Black Mold

Noumi may be annoying but I have to say, his backstory convinced me that he’s a sorry excuse for a human being. I guess that attitude of his runs in their family. They are all good at using people, ordering them, and taking away from them. So it’s no surprise that his ability was shaped like that. Still, if things were different and he treated people kindly after he had his revenge, I bet he would’ve been a cool character in the Accelerated World.

I really like Taku’s Incarnation and not because it became a sword but rather, it traded off his current ability to cover range (thanks to his piledriver extending) for an ability that gives him more flexibility. I guess it balances the power of his avatar that way. I wonder though, why is his Incarnation a physical object rather than a manifestation of energy compared with Black Lotus and Silver Crow?

That aside, even though I don’t want to admit it, Noumi has a point regarding Chiyu’s sacrifice. I guess I’m as wicked as him to understand what he’s saying but unlike Taku and Haru who cannot afford to lose their battle, it’s actually alright for Chiyu to ‘die’ in-game. She won’t lose all her points after all. Is it really wrong to sacrifice others for the team? I guess I really am a twisted being -_-

It’s really badass for Kuroyuki to have an entrance like that. Good thing she came in time in order to deal with Black Vise.

So I have a feeling that this series will have a second season. They’re introducing these bunch of misfits and I bet everyone would rage not knowing what happens to these guys or what this association is even planning.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. x
    Sep 16, 2012 @ 03:06:19

    After how many days of drama, much of which was worsen by not letting Kuroyuki into this fight due to not trusting her to do what they consider the best, she comes and saves the day at the very last moment ^^;. The irony is just too much for me :p. This drama filled arc was not the most compelling part of the story for me, but I guess due to the way it is told, it is palatable ;).

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure there will be another season at some point. Judging from what I’ve heard about the BD sales, it’s almost a given.


  2. baka~
    Sep 16, 2012 @ 16:47:42

    While Kuroyuki coming to save the day was awesome, I was wondering who spilled the beans? Who told her when and where they will fight? And yes, it was pointless for Haru to hide these things to her but I guess it did serve its purpose in that they took Kuroyuki out of the equation while they were planning their strategy.


  3. x
    Sep 16, 2012 @ 17:32:17

    Well, she knew something was up from her conversations with both Haru and Taku. Also, she has been shown to be itching to switch away from “vacation mode” to start investigating. Then she had that encounter with an old friend and two new ones. I suppose she figured out how to use the new item that was recovered from the battle, did some digging around (maybe even got a tip off from Niko or her maid for all we know :p), as for the when and where? I’m guessing someone else could have been following one of the participants. Hmm, wait a sec, could Chiyu be her informant ^^;? Maybe my brain is malfunctioning :p.


  4. x
    Sep 16, 2012 @ 17:58:22

    Or maybe Taku might have notified her secretly.


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